To offer "BACKUP" - services that promote the well-being of EDSO Law Enforcement families by providing information, support and practical assistance to help law enforcement families successfully survive and thrive during the Sheriff's Office employee's law enforcement career and beyond.
The goal of the EDSO Thrive with 10-35 program; is that law enforcement families will be equipped to manage the challenges of law enforcement careers. To provide spouses and partners with tools to strengthen and understand the law enforcement relationships. To offer a secure support system to our families, sustaining their connection to their loved one and our LEO families will thrive.
1. We will maintain a purposeful intention to be a complimentary, auxiliary support program outside of the workings of the Sheriff's Office and shall have no intentions or interference in its operations or structure.
2. Everyone involved with Thrive with 10-35 will carefully maintain confidentiality of any information overheard or shared directly
3. Every participant involved with Thrive with 10-35 will demonstrate trustworthiness so that everyone will have the opportunity to share in an emotionally safe environment.
4. We intend to be a proactive group promoting the health, wholeness and wellness of the law enforcement family.
Making A Difference
The Board of Directors oversees the Executive Committee and includes founding members, John Roe, Barbara Thompson and Janine D'Agostini.
The Executive committee oversees all Thrive activities, assesses situations and needs that arise, and mobilizes the appropriate Thrive committees.
The Events committee plans, coordinates, and publicizes events sponsored by Thrive during the year.
The Education committee bring speakers and training to the thrive family.
The Assimilation, Connection and Assistance committee welcomes and assists a new Deputies/employee’s family for the first year on the job, provides mentoring, support groups, and hands-on assistance such as rides, delivering meals, and child care as needed in difficult times.
The Encouragement committee sends cards to employees and their families and remembers special occasions.
Peer Support: Trained Support & Hotline for families
The Critical Incident committee develops, trains, and implements a protocol for informing assisting families when critical incidents occur that involve employees at the Sheriff’s office.